Saturday, March 7, 2015

Crossover 3-1-15

On Sunday, March 1, 2015 Troop 1468 had the Crossover Ceremony for new scouts joining the troop. There were a total of 6 new scouts making the transition from Webelos to Boy Scouts.  We know your journey with Troop 1468 will be a fun and exciting one.  You will be able to experience new activities, learn new things and have guidance from present scouts throughout your journey.

From Left to Right - Dawson Malke, Will Hanson, Mason Matuszak, Josh Henslin, Mac Radtke.  Not pictured is Bryce Vanderlinden and a new scout joining us from out of state - Spencer Van Donsel.

Shooting of the Arrows.

Walk of Silence . . .
Chili Lunch, yum, yum - always so good.

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