Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Bell Ringing and Bowling 12-5-15

On December 5, 2015 Troop 1468 participated in the Salvation Army Bell Ringing Campaign.  This is an annual event for the scouts and they really enjoy ringing the bells and participating in a wonderful worthy cause.

"The miracle of Christmas happens again and again through joy, caring, and sharing.  The Salvation Army Red Kettle is a tradition of the Christmas scene in Brown County, with thousands of dollars donated each year to aid needy families, seniors, and the homeless of our community."

Following bell ringing everyone enjoyed bowling and pizza at Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley.  Great fun was had by all!

Court of Honor Ceremony 11-2-15

Troop 1468 held it's fall Court of Honor Ceremony on Monday, Nov. 2, 2015.
The following scouts advanced in rank:

Alex Adasiewicz, Dawson Malke, Mason Matuszak, Bryce Vanderlinden

Second Class: 
Isaac Drevs

First Class:  
Liam Fahey, Casey Lambert, Gavin Mangold

Casey Lambert

Eagle Palms:  
William Voelker - Silver, Bronze(2nd)

Congratulations to all the scouts, you've worked hard to achieve your new ranks.
After the ceremony all scouts and families enjoyed socializing with delicious deserts and beverages.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

New Rank Advancement Coming in 2016

The BSA is significantly changing rank advancement requirements in 2016. All scouts should purchase a new Boy Scout Handbook from the Scout Shop when it is available in January. What does this mean?
  • ·      If you have already started working on a rank, you can finish it under the old requirements if you complete your work in 2016.
  • ·      If you do not complete already-started ranks in 2016, you must switch to the new requirements in 2017.
  • ·      Any ranks you start working on in 2016 must be done under the new requirements.
To see the new requirements and how they compare to the old requirements, click on the Advancement Changes Summary link in the Document Collection section to the right.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Court of Honor Ceremony 6-6-15

Troop 1468 Court of Honor Ceremony 
June 6th, 2015  
Eagle candidates receiving the Eagle Rank Award are Joel Haas and William Voelker.
"Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting.  Since 1912 more than two million Boy Scouts have earned the Eagle Scout rank.  In the words of the Eagle Scout Promise, Eagles do their best each day to make their training an example, their rank and their influence count strongly for better Scouting and for better citizenship in their troop, in their community, and in their contacts with other people.  To this they pledge their sacred honor."  Joel and William are Troop 1468's 45th and 46th candidates to receive the Eagle Rank.
Congratulations Joel and William we are very proud of all your achievements.
Joel Haas and William Voelker

Along with the Eagle Rank Awards the following scouts also received a Rank Advancement -

Nick Compton received the Tenderfoot Rank

Nolan Verba and Gavin Mangold received the Second Class Rank
Liam Gallagher received the Life Rank

Congratulations to Nick, Nolan, Gavin and Liam, we are proud of your accomplishments.

A big thank you to the Pulaski Jazz Combo for performing while everyone was socializing and enjoying delicious desserts and refreshments after the ceremony.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

First Aid Instruction

On April 14, Scouts from troop 1468 led first-aid instruction for Cub Scouts in Pack 4468. Great job boys!

PCMS Cleanup

On March 31, Troop 1468 teamed up with the Bear Den from Pack 4031 to help clean up the grounds at Pulaski Community Middle School.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Troop 1468 Family Swim

The Troop 1468 Family Swim was held on Sunday, March 15, 2015 at the Pulaski Community Middle School Pool.  Scouts were able to work on earning some merit badges and also have lots of fun in the pool.  It was tough getting everyone out of the pool at the end.

Troop 1468 Spring Booyah Sale

Boy Scout Troop 1468 had their Spring Booyah Sale on Sunday, March 8, 2015.  A big thank to all scouts and families who participated in the preparation and sale of the booyah.  You helped make it a big success. Profits from the sale will help benefit each individual scout who participated.  Monies will be used for the various camping activities coming up and will help pay for those who are going to Bear Paw.  Lots of fun filled memories are on the horizon.

Looks like Marcus is ready to go!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Crossover 3-1-15

On Sunday, March 1, 2015 Troop 1468 had the Crossover Ceremony for new scouts joining the troop. There were a total of 6 new scouts making the transition from Webelos to Boy Scouts.  We know your journey with Troop 1468 will be a fun and exciting one.  You will be able to experience new activities, learn new things and have guidance from present scouts throughout your journey.

From Left to Right - Dawson Malke, Will Hanson, Mason Matuszak, Josh Henslin, Mac Radtke.  Not pictured is Bryce Vanderlinden and a new scout joining us from out of state - Spencer Van Donsel.

Shooting of the Arrows.

Walk of Silence . . .
Chili Lunch, yum, yum - always so good.