Monday, June 15, 2015

Court of Honor Ceremony 6-6-15

Troop 1468 Court of Honor Ceremony 
June 6th, 2015  
Eagle candidates receiving the Eagle Rank Award are Joel Haas and William Voelker.
"Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting.  Since 1912 more than two million Boy Scouts have earned the Eagle Scout rank.  In the words of the Eagle Scout Promise, Eagles do their best each day to make their training an example, their rank and their influence count strongly for better Scouting and for better citizenship in their troop, in their community, and in their contacts with other people.  To this they pledge their sacred honor."  Joel and William are Troop 1468's 45th and 46th candidates to receive the Eagle Rank.
Congratulations Joel and William we are very proud of all your achievements.
Joel Haas and William Voelker

Along with the Eagle Rank Awards the following scouts also received a Rank Advancement -

Nick Compton received the Tenderfoot Rank

Nolan Verba and Gavin Mangold received the Second Class Rank
Liam Gallagher received the Life Rank

Congratulations to Nick, Nolan, Gavin and Liam, we are proud of your accomplishments.

A big thank you to the Pulaski Jazz Combo for performing while everyone was socializing and enjoying delicious desserts and refreshments after the ceremony.