Monday, June 9, 2014

Court of Honor, June 7, 2014

Troop 1468 Court of Honor ceremony was held on June 7, 2014.  
Three scouts achieved their rank of Eagle.  
Evan Haas
Justin Horn
Destin Wernicke
Congratulations to all - this is a great accomplishment and you worked hard to achieve it.  We are proud of you.
Evan Haas

Justin Horn

Destin Wernicke

In addition, there were the following rank advancements - contratulations to all.

Isaac Drevs
Gavin Mangold
Marcus Sanchez
Casey Lambert
Ben Pamperin
Nick Whiting

Second Class
Liam Fahey

Jon McNulty

Cody Bettis
Cole Malke
Joel Haas