Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Court of Honor Ceremony

May 19, 2012 

During the Court of Honor ceremony 3 scouts were presented their Eagle Awards:
Brandyn Horn, Nathan Leigh and Nathan Whiting.

There were also a number of scouts that advanced in rank:
Scout - William Voelker, Liam Gallagher, Ben Wigger, Liam Fahey
Tenderfoot - Brad Wigger
Second Class - Joel Haas, Levi Mineau, Brad Wigger
First Class - Cole Malke, Brad Wigger
Star - Evan Haas, Jarrett Stewart, Andre Sanchez
Life - Destin Wernicke

After the ceremony everyone enjoyed refreshments and were entertained by the Pulaski Jazz Band.
Congratulations to everyone!

Click on the arrow to see the slide show.

Troop 1468 Eagle Candidates 2012

Nathan Leigh
Nathan Whiting
Brandyn Horn

Brandyn Horn's Eagle Project - click on the arrow to see the slide show.